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Intermittent Training Under 30 minutes

Running man- Image from wix

Intermittent training also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprint interval training (SIT) comprises a series of anaerobic exercises with limited rest targeting the physiological aspect of the cardiovascular system. Most coaches and athletes would incorporate this format of training somewhere in their periodisation cycle to aid them in their performance leading up to a particular event or competition. The concept of the program stays the same but can be customised to suit functionality and specificity of the sport. Principals of training (Specificity, Overload, Rest, Adaptation and Reversibility) is usually applied to ensure athletes stay in peak condition avoiding adverse outcomes such as injuries.

Today we look at at a generic program that one might want to try. To keep it simple, the routine is a run only activity. Runs are linear and split into 2 sections with an active recovery zone. (Walk) Markers are placed to mark out 5 meters, 25 meters and 50 meters respectively. (A total distance of 55 meters marked out) Each run equates to 4 shuttles and each set consist of 10 runs. The run starts out at the end of the 5-meter recovery zone to the 25-meter mark with individual making a returning check run and repeating respectively for the 50-meter mark and ending the run with a short walk to and from before repeating the sequence again.

The average timing of each run is loosely derived from a 50% effort by 2 groups. (Male, M;n= 15) and (Female, F;n=15) To avoid the complexity of activity, training zones and specificity of each individual heart rate percentages have not been calculated. Participants have full-time jobs and are relatively active in sport (a minimum 1-hour physical activity three times a week) are categories by gender and age between 22-30 years old. The active recovery time is constant and fixed at 10 seconds. (see Fig. 1)

Run times: (Time log does not include active recovery)

Male- 38 seconds per run

Female- 44 seconds per run

Break down of activity: (Total time includes active recovery)

Males- 1 set = 10 runs = 8 minutes

3 sets = 30 runs = 24 minutes

Females- 1 set = 10 runs = 9 minutes

3 sets = 30 runs = 27 minutes


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